Let’s explore the question: are pedestrian crashes increasing? We’ll be working with the following data sources:

NOTE: the following analysis was helpful during the making of Mass. pedestrian crashes and Nestor Ramos’s story, Most Boston pedestrian accidents go unreported.


# read shapefiles
crashes.shp <- readOGR('downloaded/pedestriancrashes/shp','pedestriancrashes',  p4s='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
towns.shp <- readOGR('downloaded','MA_TOWNS', p4s='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')

# standardize dates
# reject bad dates, e.g. 2041
crashes <- crashes.shp@data %>%
  mutate(DATE = mdy(Crash.Date)) %>%
  filter(year(today()) >= year(DATE))

# calculate crashes per year for each town
yearlyCrashesPerTown <- crashes %>%
  mutate(YEAR=year(DATE)) %>%
  group_by(YEAR,City.Town) %>%
  summarise(crashes = n())

# create towns dataframe
# add town boundaries
# add total crashes per town
towns <- towns.shp@data %>%
  cbind(fortify(gEnvelope(towns.shp,byid=T)) %>%
          mutate(id=as.numeric(id)) %>%
          group_by(id) %>%
          summarise(E=min(long),W=max(long),S=min(lat),N=max(lat)) %>%
          arrange(id)) %>%
  left_join(yearlyCrashesPerTown %>%
              group_by(City.Town) %>%
              summarise(crashes = sum(crashes)) %>%
              mutate(TOWN=City.Town) %>% select(-City.Town),by='TOWN')

# fortify for mapping purposes
towns.fortified <- fortify(towns.shp,region='TOWN')

# read population data
# remove ' Town' or ' City' suffixes from town names 
population <- read.csv('downloaded/towns_2000-2010s.csv',strip.white=T,stringsAsFactors=F) %>%
  gather(year,population,-NAME) %>%
    YEAR = as.numeric(gsub('POPESTIMATE', '', as.character(year))),
    place = gsub(' TOWN$| CITY$| TOWN CITY$', '', toupper(NAME))
  ) %>%


Are pedestrian crashes increasing?

# group crashes by year
# get count
data <- crashes %>%
  mutate(DATE=floor_date(DATE,'year')) %>%
  group_by(DATE) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%

ggplot(data,aes(DATE,count)) +
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle(str_c('Massachusetts pedestrian crashes, ',year(min(data$DATE)),'-',year(max(data$DATE)))) +
  xlab('year') +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

It seems so.

But maybe the population is increasing as well? What if we normalize by population?

# group crashes by year
# get count
# add yearly state population
# calculate yearly pedestrian accident rate
data <- crashes %>%
  mutate(YEAR=year(DATE)) %>%
  group_by(YEAR) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(place='MASSACHUSETTS') %>%
  left_join(population,by=c('YEAR','place')) %>%
    rate=count/population * 100
  ) %>%

ggplot(data,aes(DATE,rate)) +
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle(str_c('Massachusetts pedestrian crashes per capita, ',year(min(data$DATE)),'-',year(max(data$DATE)))) +
  xlab('year') +
  ylab('crashes per 10,000') +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

The state’s population hasn’t increased significantly, hence the rate looks pretty similar to the raw count.

Can we analyse this data to see which towns are working on their reporting?

# first we'll get a list of top five towns by population for the latest year
# next we join with yearlyCrashesPerTown
data <- population %>%
    YEAR == max(YEAR),
    place != 'MASSACHUSETTS'
  ) %>%
  arrange(desc(population)) %>%
  select(City.Town = place) %>%
  head(5) %>%
  left_join(yearlyCrashesPerTown,by='City.Town') %>%

ggplot(data,aes(DATE,crashes,group=City.Town)) +
  geom_line(aes(color=City.Town=='BOSTON')) +
  geom_text(data=filter(data,YEAR==max(YEAR)),aes(DATE,crashes,label=City.Town),hjust=1,vjust=-0.5,size=3) +
  ggtitle(str_c('Pedestrian crashes in top five largest towns, ',min(data$YEAR),'-',max(data$YEAR))) +
  theme(legend.position='none') +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Boston’s reporting inconsistency is striking.

What if we normalize by population?

# first we'll get a list of top five towns by population for the latest year
# next we join with yearlyCrashesPerTown
# next we join with population figures
# finally we calculate rate = crashes / population
data <- population %>%
    YEAR == max(YEAR),
    place != 'MASSACHUSETTS'
  ) %>%
  arrange(desc(population)) %>%
  select(City.Town = place) %>%
  head(5) %>%
  left_join(yearlyCrashesPerTown, by='City.Town') %>%
  mutate(place=City.Town) %>% select(-City.Town) %>%
  left_join(population, by=c('YEAR', 'place')) %>%
    rate=crashes/population * 10000,

ggplot(data,aes(DATE,rate,group=place)) +
  geom_line(aes(color=place=='BOSTON')) +
  geom_text(data=filter(data,YEAR==max(YEAR)),aes(DATE,rate,label=place),hjust=1,vjust=-0.5,size=3) +
  ggtitle(str_c('Pedestrian crashes per capita in top five largest towns, ',min(data$YEAR),'-',max(data$YEAR))) +
  ylab('crashes per 10,000') +
  theme(legend.position='none') +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

knitr::kable(select(data, -DATE))
YEAR crashes place population rate
2001 26 BOSTON 598208 0.4346
2002 183 BOSTON 599301 3.0536
2003 170 BOSTON 595864 2.8530
2004 103 BOSTON 591166 1.7423
2005 71 BOSTON 587260 1.2090
2006 63 BOSTON 587816 1.0718
2007 91 BOSTON 593136 1.5342
2008 99 BOSTON 600685 1.6481
2009 143 BOSTON 612669 2.3340
2010 324 BOSTON 618695 5.2368
2011 249 BOSTON 629064 3.9583
2012 255 BOSTON 637845 3.9978
2001 28 WORCESTER 174535 1.6043
2002 176 WORCESTER 175938 10.0035
2003 116 WORCESTER 177114 6.5495
2004 126 WORCESTER 177721 7.0898
2005 154 WORCESTER 178242 8.6399
2006 158 WORCESTER 178990 8.8273
2007 155 WORCESTER 179409 8.6395
2008 154 WORCESTER 179696 8.5700
2009 143 WORCESTER 180539 7.9207
2010 174 WORCESTER 181264 9.5993
2011 177 WORCESTER 182331 9.7076
2012 150 WORCESTER 182312 8.2277
2001 1 SPRINGFIELD 151894 0.0658
2002 8 SPRINGFIELD 152510 0.5246
2003 9 SPRINGFIELD 153012 0.5882
2004 4 SPRINGFIELD 152936 0.2615
2005 8 SPRINGFIELD 152925 0.5231
2006 3 SPRINGFIELD 152911 0.1962
2007 4 SPRINGFIELD 152799 0.2618
2008 5 SPRINGFIELD 152857 0.3271
2009 3 SPRINGFIELD 152934 0.1962
2010 3 SPRINGFIELD 153122 0.1959
2011 184 SPRINGFIELD 153581 11.9806
2012 182 SPRINGFIELD 153489 11.8575
2001 24 LOWELL 105449 2.2760
2002 113 LOWELL 105003 10.7616
2003 109 LOWELL 104565 10.4241
2004 107 LOWELL 104098 10.2788
2005 112 LOWELL 103668 10.8037
2006 117 LOWELL 103673 11.2855
2007 105 LOWELL 104019 10.0943
2008 80 LOWELL 104887 7.6273
2009 86 LOWELL 106024 8.1114
2010 109 LOWELL 106725 10.2132
2011 95 LOWELL 107433 8.8427
2012 107 LOWELL 108335 9.8768
2001 14 CAMBRIDGE 102048 1.3719
2002 123 CAMBRIDGE 101959 12.0637
2003 83 CAMBRIDGE 101727 8.1591
2004 94 CAMBRIDGE 101542 9.2573
2005 114 CAMBRIDGE 101440 11.2382
2006 92 CAMBRIDGE 101876 9.0306
2007 86 CAMBRIDGE 102313 8.4056
2008 102 CAMBRIDGE 103298 9.8743
2009 84 CAMBRIDGE 104665 8.0256
2010 103 CAMBRIDGE 105340 9.7779
2011 117 CAMBRIDGE 105631 11.0763
2012 109 CAMBRIDGE 106172 10.2664

This graph shows that Boston’s reported crash rate is quite low. We could probably make a case that Boston has a substantial amount of external foot traffic - people that don’t live in the city but work in the city. If we were to include that number, Boston’s crash rate would go down even lower. This graph also shows how Springfield’s significantly increased its reporting in 2010.

What about other towns?

# only look at towns with more than 50 crashes total
data <- towns %>%
  filter(crashes>50) %>%
  arrange(desc(crashes)) %>%
  select(City.Town=TOWN) %>%
  left_join(yearlyCrashesPerTown,by='City.Town') %>%

ggplot(data,aes(DATE,crashes,group=City.Town)) +
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle(str_c('Pedestrian crashes in towns with greater than 50 crashes in period ',min(data$YEAR),'-',max(data$YEAR),'. Y-scale is relative to each town.')) +
  facet_wrap(~City.Town,scales='free',ncol=8) +
    panel.grid = element_blank()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

It seems that Barnstable and Springfield didn’t report many pedestrian accidents prior to 2010.

One final graph - let’s look at the distribution of reported crashes per town over time.

data <- towns %>%
  arrange(desc(crashes)) %>%
  select(City.Town=TOWN) %>%
  left_join(yearlyCrashesPerTown,by='City.Town') %>%

ggplot(data,aes(crashes,group=YEAR)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_wrap(~YEAR,nrow=3) +
  ggtitle(str_c('Distribution of pedestrian crashes per town, ',min(data$YEAR),'-',max(data$YEAR)))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

That’s not particularly useful.

data <- towns %>%
  arrange(desc(crashes)) %>%
  select(City.Town=TOWN) %>%
  left_join(yearlyCrashesPerTown,by='City.Town') %>%
  filter(!is.na(YEAR)) %>%

ggplot(data,aes(DATE,crashes,group=DATE)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  ggtitle(str_c('Distribution of pedestrian crashes per town, ',min(data$YEAR),'-',max(data$YEAR)))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Interesting, but not very revealing.

How many pedestrian accidents (involving injuries) in Boston since 2010?

# create a new column, SEVERITY, that creates three groups: fatal injury, non-fatal injury, other
data <- crashes %>%
    YEAR = year(DATE),
    SEVERITY = ifelse(grepl('fatal injury',tolower(as.character(Crash.Seve))), as.character(Crash.Seve), 'Other')
  ) %>%
    City.Town == 'BOSTON',
    YEAR >= 2010
  ) %>%
  group_by(YEAR,SEVERITY) %>%
  summarise(ACCIDENTS = n())

2010 Fatal injury 7
2010 Non-fatal injury 189
2010 Other 128
2011 Fatal injury 3
2011 Non-fatal injury 158
2011 Other 88
2012 Fatal injury 4
2012 Non-fatal injury 168
2012 Other 83